Is there a way to show a bar graph in Google Sheets for a simple counting activity? I figured it could be done somehow with conditional formatting since that's what I use to add color to cells. But how to fill the cells based on number counted and entered? I came up with version 1, where there was a blank cell which was reference for the other cells but that just messed up once you added something to a cell and deleted...take my word for it, it didn't work...
So then what? If only I could have it decide...wait a minute, that's an If statement
How would the If statement look...
=IF(A3>B13, " ", ".") in this case if the comparison is True then is the first condition, a space is entered. If the comparison is false it enters a period. This way I can use conditional formatting to change color only when there is something there, like the period, since it does not recognize the space.
So let's set it up like I posted on Twitter... Setup (use the link or YouTube video below)
Now the Formulas....Sorry, made a mistake. The second false I mentioned should have been True
And then the extension of doing a Subtraction... I made the error on purpose ;-)
Thanks a bunch to Lexi for the solution of making the periods disappear Yay!! :-D
This was fun! Thanks again Amy, Julie and Lexi for the challenge.
Hope it gives you an idea for something to try out.
Thanks for stopping by,
Have a great day,
P.S. I had one last thought along with a reminder to protect the cells that should not be changed...
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