Sunday, January 13, 2019

UT Quest Learning & Assessment

Last week I wrote about a new thing I have been using a lot. This week I want to talk about something I have used over 10 years. It used to be called the UT Homework System but today it’s called Quest Learning & Assessment. And I gotta tell you it’s Awesome! :-)

I need to tell you that since the change I have not used it to its full capability. It has quite a few abilities just check out the website :  I use it for the homework aspect. Quest has over 65,000 questions in its database in several different subjects. They have Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, Biology, Astronomy, Geology, Statistics, Oceanography, Computer Science, Meteorology and you can make your own personal bank of questions.

It used to be free but now the cost is - for a Texas-based high schools: $150/year and for a High school outside of Texas: $300/year. I definitely think it’s worth the cost for myself or shared among teachers. Why do I think so? Well, it grades the homework for me :-D And students get immediate feedback on how they did on the assignment. Ms. Huerta, the physics teacher at my school, and I, chemistry teacher, pay for it so we can use if for our students. Paying for it though allows all teachers and students to use it at the school at no charge (still trying to convince other to use it). Questions are either multiple choice or numerical entry and some questions have several versions of the question (different masses, different elements…)

I really like Quest because students can’t just each other the answer for this number or that number since the answers are randomized. You can also randomize the questions but I create it with easier questions at first them ramp up so randomizing for me. I would only allow one attempt on my homeworks but Mr. Wiley at my previous school convinced me that it was better to allow students multiple attempts in case they made a simple error though they don’t get as many points from multiple attempts (just remember to remove negative points option). Once students have finished assignment, you can release answers and they can see them with explanations.

Teachers and students create a UT EID and they will access to Quest. Teachers have to send some additional info to prove they are teachers to have full access to Quest database. Once that’s done, teacher creates the class gets students signed up for it and start making/assigning homeworks.

Here’s a little preview… Here's a list of my classes. You create your Unique #'s and put in info
A single class - you can see assignments, due date, if it's been published and average
An assignment - you can see the dates, averages for assignment and questions
Creating an assignment - you select subject, chapter, section (well organized) and type/variation of question or search for a question based on parameters

Once you have added your questions to the assignment, you are ready to share with the class, all that left to do is select Publish to Class from the left side options
Once published, students can visit their class and select assignment and work on it. Which looks like....

These are the options in class view - you can authorize other instructors to create assignments or they can use yours as a template, roster to see student UT EID in case they forgot them, Grading Scheme in case you have the negative points, or export grades to get an Excel sheet for grades
These are the options when looking at an assignment - I use one option here, Late submits, in case someone needs extra time for one reason or another.

Students have liked using Quest. They can see how they are doing right away. Whatever has been submitted, is saved so they can continue later. I try to give them time in class to start in case they have any questions. Assignments can be done on any mobile device with internet access. I have had students with no internet access at home and I have printed out a copy for them (see 4th option above). They work on it at home and just come in and quickly input them when they come in on the Chromebooks.

Hope this gives you an option for being more efficient with grading assignments. I know I love using Quest...worth the price for all the time I save  :-D

Thanks for stopping by,
Have a great day,

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